Index of Bible references


1: 10-17

4.7.1 The term "law"


1: 18 God's patience–the sacrificial service in the Old Testament


6: 2-7 The angels


6: 3

3.1.3 God, the Holy One

3.2.1 References to the triune God in the Old Testament

12.1.5 Divine service as an encounter with God


7: 14 Immanuel–Servant of God–Son of David


9: 6

1.1.2 God reveals Himself in the history of Israel

3.4.4 References to Jesus Christ in the Old Testament

10.6 The continuation of the plan of salvation


11: 6-8

4.2.2 The consequences of the fall into sin for the creation


28: 16

4.8.1 The law of Christ–grace


42: 1 Immanuel–Servant of God–Son of David


43: 3

3.1.3 God, the Holy One


45: 21-22

3.1.2 God, the One


53: 3 Old Testament references to Jesus' suffering and sacrificial death


53: 4-5 Old Testament references to Jesus' suffering and sacrificial death


53: 4-6

4.8.1 The law of Christ–grace


53: 4-7

10.2 The marriage of the Lamb


53: 5 Jesus' baptism in the Jordan


53: 6 Jesus' crucifixion and sacrificial death


53: 12 Jesus' crucifixion and sacrificial death


54: 8

3.1.7 God, the Gracious and Righteous One


55: 1

8.2.7 The significance of bread and wine


58: 13-14 The Sabbath in Israel


61 Messiah–Christ–Anointed One


61: 1

4.8 The law and the gospel


63: 15-16

1.4.1 Belief in God, the Father


63: 16 God's name


65: 17

10.6 The continuation of the plan of salvation


65: 20-21

10.6 The continuation of the plan of salvation